The forbidden gumball
The forbidden gumball
I have also come back to tell you I am feeling better than ever and i have some fanart of you coming your way!
This is extremely cute. I can't stress how much I like this. The armadillo laying down up there is the best part of this image. Have a good day and hopefully Armored Armadillo doesn't beat your ass.
How about I put the blame on you. This is not art, this is ass, figuratively and literally! Congratulations, you pissed me off.
nice, but idc
Hello fellow pixel artist
Does the alternate universe have a Wii at least. That’s all I fucking care about. The oc doesn’t matter, I just want to know if there is a Wii. Plus, will you ever stop with the fetish art. I do like it once in a full moon but if you keep up with this, your parents will find out and you will be sent to the shadow realm like they all say. I still support you tho don’t worry.
Jonathan (Lite)
edit: thank god
Nice. Simply nice. You gave your oc’s some love.
The best series ever, too bad capcom disrespects their own ip to the bone. This is absolutely going into my favorites.
It is an ok drawing, but I still hate the fetish it is conveying. But hey, we all have weird tastes and sometimes, JUST SOMETIMES, it can go too far. (I'm looking at you zoophiles and Pedophiles).
I really hope the madness of requests stops on your end, when one request is done, people will be on your ass telling them to do some wild requests. I have one request, draw a single line. Thats it.
doctah wahwee is satan confirmed>???!?!?
Stupid art for stupid people
You got Male!
7th Tally Hall membe
New York City
Joined on 12/22/22